My name is Lorna Michelle and I am a lifelong Alaskan. Alaska is a wild and beautiful place and I would like to share what I know with you. I live off-grid with Prince Charming. We are the real backwood Alaskan family. Our nearest neighbors, are just like family to us, are 6 miles away. We don’t have electric per say, but we do have a generator and solar power! We finally had a well dug a few years back and that was incredible. No more hauling water. We have the most awesome view of Mt. Mckinley from our lawn. Moose, bear and other wildlife roam near. Our Great Pyrenees dogs keep them from getting too close to our home.Thanks for visiting my site I hope you will find it useful. Have a great day and safe travels my friend.

This is where I live.

Backwoods Question:

We had a neighbor come to visit. Can you tell me who came to visit by looking at the print above? Tick tock tick tock…do you know? If you guessed Brown bear, spot on. How can you tell? A brown bears’ front pads are almost in a straight line. A Black bear’s front pads curl and usually leave more imprint. A brown bear has claws that are 2″ – 4″ long so the claw marks are away from the pads of the front feet. A black bear’s claws are 1″-2″ long and thus are closer to the pad. This particular bear was about 7 feet tall. How do I know? I took a measure tape across the indent made on the front pad. 7 inches, which you translate the inches into feet. So about 7 feet tall. It was also a male. How do I know? I crossed this big, bad boy once, so I recognize his tracks. We almost had lunch together…..well, he almost had lunch. Haha….He is one of those neighbors you know that you wave at them, smile at them but really never want to get too friendly with.